Friday, December 31, 2010

Vanoce, Natal, Christmas

Umas duas fotografias apenas para assinalar a quadra. A Miriam recebeu uma trotinete espetacular e distribuiu muitas prendas. Estivemos com a Dana e o Frantisek.

Miriam had a great Xmas giving away loads of gifts. She really enjoyed her scooter. We had Frantisek and Dana over.

Jen pár fotografií pro označení soudu. Miriam obdržel skútr velkolepé a distribuovaných mnoha dary. Navštívili jsme s Danou a František.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daddys holidays with grand parents

A very intense and deserved escape of daddy in to the land of origin. Portugal and Madrid were nice, mostly because of all the family and friends.

In Prague, we celebrate Xmas and snow in many happy ways.
