Thursday, July 24, 2008


o ratinho da vizinha que ficamos a cuidar durante quinze dias

a éguia com apetite perto do meu caso de estudo... claro que estou a forçar a pobre de familia de me assistir nas pesquisas de campo...

e ainda o bichinho/marioneta na rua de Gallway...todo verde e amarelo como o seu dono a baloiçar no ritmo ;-)

still Gallway Bay

still some pictures from the previous weekend and a tiny beach few km North from Gallway city...

Monday, July 21, 2008

last week(end)

multi-species flower-crown in courtyard (an essential preparation for the football training)
~» a coroa de flores várias como a preparação para o jogo de treino (não muito amigável) a seguir
~» venecek z ruzných kyticek, dalsí kytí na triko a následuje fotbalový trening

Kilkenny Castle last Saturday

fashion show in Castletown
...followed by pebbles throwing...

Monday, July 07, 2008

the Burren

Galway city: rainy, sunny, rainy, sunny, rainy, sunny, rainy....

kterak Miriam nesouhlasila s tatinkovym vyberem trasy po meste...

a pak vysvitlo slunicko a vsem se u kanalu libilo...

Vyhled na narodni park Burren. Uchvatne vapencove utvary odhalene diky 'bezohlednemu Homo sapiens' - vznikly prilisnym vypasanim vegetace na hubenounke vrstvicce pudy nad porovitym podlozim

creative show

with a new instrument came a new source of amusement...
but never ever parents' torture end...

father's working gloves do not seem the most handy ones for Miriam's artistic intension
but even her owns are more for a show than for the getting into the real job!