Saturday, February 20, 2010

January February Play

Miriam did some cute stuff at the Creche. She wet back reluctantly after a month away. Soon enough she reintegrated and is enjoying the mates at Links.

A Miriam voltou com pouca vontade de ir para a Creche mas faz coisas bem bonitas e birinca com otras criancas bem simpaticas.

O Joao esteve ca a desestabilizar como e' seu costume. As bricandeiras com a Miriam passaram pelo tradicional Joao-Cheira-Mal a cocigas e arrelias disparatadas.

John was here (the uncle) and left a trail of destruction. The kitchen was plundered and run down with a good couple of things missing.
Overall he had a good time in Dublin and we got to visit Howth together whle looking for some fresh fish.

Miriam is shown jumping with her friend Conor on the mattress where John slept during his visit.

Monday, February 01, 2010


New Years' cozy rest in Mario's puff in 'casa de lagoa'
a palm baby shelter under daddy's supervision in botanical garden of Rio